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Alternatively, you may want to contact directly one of our locations or our holding company.
The Coatinc-Network
For enquiries regarding marketing or press matters, please use the following contacts:
The Coatinc Company Holding GmbH
Hüttenstraße 45
57223 Kreuztal
Your contact person:
Anna-Maria Ademaj
The Coatinc Company Holding GmbH
Carolinenglückstraße 6-10
44793 Bochum, Germany
Phone: +49 234 52905-0
Fax: +49 234 52905-15
Over the last generations, we have worked hard to align our services to the requirements and needs of the steel trade – every day a little more. To this end, we have come up with perfectly matching solutions, including reinforcing steel with a quality mark to DIN EN ISO 1461 (highest quality corrosion protection) and achievement of official approval from Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (German Institute for Civil Engineering). Of course our customers expect top quality for all other materials as well, whether steel bars, profiles, hollow profiles, bulb plate or angles, and for additional services, specifically for the steel trade. Our network has been established to ensure we are always close by. Using digital inventory management, we are able to serve our customers directly, including transport and optimal logistics handling. This is ensured independent of the order volume and even holds true for small bundles. Moreover, thanks to our networked approach, we always have flexible capacity for you.
Due to our 24-hour services and digitized inventory management, we guarantee speed – including the logistical process elements transport optimization, seaworthy packing, container loading, customs clearance and the preparation of contract documents and packing lists. Whatever the size of your order. And even more: We are able to maintain flexible capacity for you at all times due to our international network of subsidiaries and affiliated companies in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Turkey, the USA and Mexico.
Reinforced steel can corrode under certain circumstances due to high alkalinity, which may lead to structural damage which is hard to repair or cannot be repaired at all. In this situation, hot-dip galvanizing is the perfect solution. Our hot-dip galvanizing has been granted the quality label DIN EN ISO 1461 quality label (top-quality corrosion protection) and the official approval of the German Institute for Building Technology (Deutsches Instituts für Bautechnik).
Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit verzichten wir auf die gleichzeitige Verwendung der Sprachformen männlich, weiblich und divers (m/w/d). Sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen gelten daher gleichermaßen für alle Geschlechter.