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The Coatinc-Network
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The Coatinc Company Holding GmbH
Hüttenstraße 45
57223 Kreuztal
Your contact person:
Anna-Maria Ademaj
The Coatinc Company Holding GmbH
Carolinenglückstraße 6-10
44793 Bochum, Germany
Phone: +49 234 52905-0
Fax: +49 234 52905-15
In recent years, hot-dip galvanizing has been increasingly used to provide an additional organic coating to enhance the protection of components exposed to major loads or to combine the customer’s preferred colors with corrosion protection. Essentially, either galvanizing plus powder coating (duplex powder) or wet paint coating systems (duplex system wet) can be applied after hot-dip galvanizing. In most cases, the component surface is first trimmed, swept or given a wet-chemical treatment.
When the durability of a Duplex system with the durability of a conventional system are compared, it becomes clear that combining two systems will significantly increase protection duration. This synergy effect can increase service life by a factor of up to 2.5. The Duplex system is effective due to the mutual protection of the two components. The zinc coat is protected from atmospheric and chemical impacts by the additional coating, thereby avoiding wear and tear. Furthermore, the hot-dip galvanizing prevents or delays corrosion creep and detached coating in the event of damage.
Double or multi-layer systems are recommended for coastal or outdoor use in industrial areas, in chemically contaminated environments, for road salt application in tunnels and on bridges and for products which require a long lifespan. Multi-layer systems are standard with or without galvanizing, depending on the requirements profile. Advantages:
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